
--vision, --os.

Model Settings

--model, --fast, --local, --temperature, --context_window, --max_tokens, --max_output, --api_base, --api_key, --api_version, --llm_supports_functions, --llm_supports_vision.


--config, --config_file, --custom_instructions, --system_message.


--safe_mode, --auto_run, --force_task_completion, --verbose, --max_budget, --speak_messages, --multi_line.


--version, --help.


--vision or -vi

Enables vision mode for multimodal models. Defaults to GPT-4-turbo.

--os or -o

Enables OS mode for multimodal models. Defaults to GPT-4-turbo.

Model Settings

--model or -m

Specifies which language model to use. Check out the models section for a list of available models.

--fast or -f

Sets the model to gpt-3.5-turbo.

--local or -l

Run the model locally. Check the models page for more information.

--temperature or -t

Sets the randomness level of the model’s output.

--context_window or -c

Manually set the context window size in tokens for the model.

--max_tokens or -x

Sets the maximum number of tokens that the model can generate in a single response.

--max_output or -xo

Set the maximum number of characters for code outputs.

--api_base or -ab

If you are using a custom API, specify its base URL with this argument.

--api_key or -ak

Set your API key for authentication when making API calls.

--api_version or -av

Optionally set the API version to use with your selected model. (This will override environment variables)

--llm_supports_functions or -lsf

Inform Open Interpreter that the language model you’re using supports function calling.


Inform Open Interpreter that the language model you’re using does not support function calling.

--llm_supports_vision or -lsv

Inform Open Interpreter that the language model you’re using supports vision.



Opens the configuration yaml file in your default editor.

--config_file or -cf

Optionally set a custom config file to use.

--custom_instructions or -ci

Appends custom instructions to the system message. This is useful for adding information about the your system, preferred languages, etc.

--system_message or -s

We don’t recommend modifying the system message, as doing so opts you out of future updates to the system message. Use --custom_instructions instead, to add relevant information to the system message. If you must modify the system message, you can do so by using this argument, or by opening the config file using --config.


Resets the config file to the default settings.



Enable or disable experimental safety mechanisms like code scanning. Valid options are off, ask, and auto.

--auto_run or -y

Automatically run the interpreter without requiring user confirmation.

--force_task_completion or -fc

Runs Open Interpreter in a loop, requiring it to admit to completing or failing every task.

--verbose or -v

Run the interpreter in verbose mode. Debug information will be printed at each step to help diagnose issues.

--max_budget or -b

Sets the maximum budget limit for the session in USD.

--speak_messages or -sm

(Mac Only) Speak messages out loud using the system’s text-to-speech engine.

--multi_line or -ml

Enable multi-line inputs starting and ending with ```



Get the current installed version number of Open Interpreter.

--help or -h

Display all available terminal arguments.