In this video, Mike Bird goes over three different methods for running Open Interpreter with a local language model:

How to Use Open Interpreter Locally


  1. Download Ollama from
  2. Run the command:
    ollama run dolphin-mixtral:8x7b-v2.6
  3. Execute the Open Interpreter:
    interpreter --model ollama/dolphin-mixtral:8x7b-v2.6

  1. Download Jan from
  2. Download the model from the Hub
  3. Enable API server:
    1. Go to Settings
    2. Navigate to Advanced
    3. Enable API server
  4. Select the model to use
  5. Run the Open Interpreter with the specified API base:
    interpreter --api_base http://localhost:1337/v1 --model mixtral-8x7b-instruct


⚠ Ensure that Xcode is installed for Apple Silicon

  1. Download or create a llamafile from
  2. Make the llamafile executable:
    chmod +x mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1.Q5_K_M.llamafile
  3. Execute the llamafile:
  4. Run the interpreter with the specified API base:
    interpreter --api_base https://localhost:8080/v1