Experimental one-line installers

To try our experimental installers, open your Terminal with admin priviledges (click here to learn how), then paste the following commands:

curl -o oi-mac-installer.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KillianLucas/open-interpreter/main/installers/oi-mac-installer.sh && chmod +x oi-mac-installer.sh && ./oi-mac-installer.sh && rm oi-mac-installer.sh

These installers will attempt to download Python, set up an environment, and install Open Interpreter for you.

Terminal usage

After installation, you can start an interactive chat in your terminal by running:


Installation from pip

If you already use Python, we recommend installing Open Interpreter via pip:

pip install open-interpreter
Note: You’ll need Python 3.10 or 3.11. Run python --version to check yours.

Python usage

To start an interactive chat in Python, run the following:

from interpreter import interpreter


You can also pass messages to interpreter programatically:

interpreter.chat("Get the last 5 BBC news headlines.")

Click here to learn how to stream its response into your application.

No Installation

If configuring your computer environment is challenging, you can press the , key on this repository’s GitHub page to create a codespace. After a moment, you’ll receive a cloud virtual machine environment pre-installed with open-interpreter. You can then start interacting with it directly and freely confirm its execution of system commands without worrying about damaging the system.